第一百章 英文版 西游记 (2/2)
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唐僧显然被吓得不轻啊!他立刻顿下脚步,双手合十,然后惊叫了一番:“oh, my god, a lot of women!”哦,天啊!好多女施主!给唐胖胖一个超级惊恐的特写。
“it is a sin for them to wear so little clothes and sin, and it is not easy to stay here。monk, i go west。”她们居然穿这么少,罪过啊,罪过!此地不宜久留。和尚我西去也。给唐胖胖一个眼冒桃心的特写。
唐僧立刻转身要走,却被一个手持蒲叶扇的短发小皮裙妖怪给拦住了,任性的双手叉腰,挡在他的面前,呵斥了他一句:“old monk, when our queen asks you, do you dare not return?”老和尚,我们女王问你话呢,你敢不回?
唐胖胖逃跑不掉,只得如实招来,恳求地说着:“i am dong tu xuanzang ,to go to the west to learn, through the daughter of the country, and also hope that the women of the women to raise your hand, give me one lives, and the monks are good, good and good。”我乃东土大唐玄奘,去往西天取经,途经女儿国,还望各位女施主高抬贵手,放我一条生路吧。出家人慈悲为怀,善哉善哉。
“i love you, i love you, i dream about you, when i am hungry, and i want you to be with me forever。”我爱你,我很爱你,做梦的时候都梦见你,肚子饿的时候也想着你。我要你跟我永远在一起。
“no, i don't love you, my family doesn't play, and i have to go to the west, and see if the buddha is busy, and you will have mercy on me?”不行,我不爱你,出家人不打诳语,我还要去西天取经,拜见如来佛祖,忙着呢,没空理你,你就大发慈悲,放了我吧?
“no, nonono,i'll give you two choices。the first resistance was eaten by me。the second one is to marry me when i come to my son-in-law。it's all up to you。”不,我不放,你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒,我给你两个选择,第一个是选择反抗,被我吃掉。第二个是嫁给我,当我的上门女婿。
唐僧显然被吓得不轻啊!他立刻顿下脚步,双手合十,然后惊叫了一番:“oh, my god, a lot of women!”哦,天啊!好多女施主!给唐胖胖一个超级惊恐的特写。
“it is a sin for them to wear so little clothes and sin, and it is not easy to stay here。monk, i go west。”她们居然穿这么少,罪过啊,罪过!此地不宜久留。和尚我西去也。给唐胖胖一个眼冒桃心的特写。
唐僧立刻转身要走,却被一个手持蒲叶扇的短发小皮裙妖怪给拦住了,任性的双手叉腰,挡在他的面前,呵斥了他一句:“old monk, when our queen asks you, do you dare not return?”老和尚,我们女王问你话呢,你敢不回?
唐胖胖逃跑不掉,只得如实招来,恳求地说着:“i am dong tu xuanzang ,to go to the west to learn, through the daughter of the country, and also hope that the women of the women to raise your hand, give me one lives, and the monks are good, good and good。”我乃东土大唐玄奘,去往西天取经,途经女儿国,还望各位女施主高抬贵手,放我一条生路吧。出家人慈悲为怀,善哉善哉。
“i love you, i love you, i dream about you, when i am hungry, and i want you to be with me forever。”我爱你,我很爱你,做梦的时候都梦见你,肚子饿的时候也想着你。我要你跟我永远在一起。
“no, i don't love you, my family doesn't play, and i have to go to the west, and see if the buddha is busy, and you will have mercy on me?”不行,我不爱你,出家人不打诳语,我还要去西天取经,拜见如来佛祖,忙着呢,没空理你,你就大发慈悲,放了我吧?
“no, nonono,i'll give you two choices。the first resistance was eaten by me。the second one is to marry me when i come to my son-in-law。it's all up to you。”不,我不放,你别敬酒不吃吃罚酒,我给你两个选择,第一个是选择反抗,被我吃掉。第二个是嫁给我,当我的上门女婿。